Source code for cvm.sample

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy

from typing import Union, Callable
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar

from .normalizer import Normalizer
from .utils import UnitConvert, parse_formula, mixed_atomic_weight, logspace
from .vibration import ClusterVibration

__all__ = ['Sample']

[docs]class Sample(defaultdict): """ Sample is a object which store a group of configuration data for calculation """ def __init__(self, label: str, host: str, impurity: str, *, temperature: list = None, energies: pd.DataFrame = None, clusters: dict = None, mean: str = 'arithmetic', vibration: bool = True, skip: bool = False, x_1: float = 0.001, condition: float = 1e-07, r_0: Union[float, dict, str] = None, normalizer: Union[dict, Normalizer] = None): """ Parameters ---------- label : str The Sample label. host : str, optional The column name of host energies in ``energies``. host : str, optional The column name of impurity energies in ``energies``. temperature : list, optional Temperature steps follow the format [start, stop, # of steps]. By default ``None``. energies : pd.DataFrame, optional A :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` object contain raw energies. By default ``None``. clusters : dict, optional Set how to calculate interaction energy. By default ``None``. mean : str, optional Specific how to mix atom weights. Can be 'arithmetic', 'harmonic', and 'geometric'. By default 'arithmetic'. vibration : bool, optional Specific whether or not to import the thermal vibration effect. By default ``True``. skip : bool, optional Set to true to skip this series sample. By default ``False``. x_1 : float, optional The initialization concentration of impurity. By default ``0.001``. condition : float, optional Convergence condition. By default ``1e-07``. r_0 : Union[float, dict, str], optional Set how to estimate r_0 from the given T and c. If ``local``, r_0 will be calculated from each phase respectively. If constant, will ignore T and c. If dict, will do a parabolic curve fitting. By default ``None``. normalizer : Union[dict, Normalizer], optional Configuration of a :py:class:`.Normalizer` or an instance. If given, this will be used to normalize the long-range interaction energy. By default ``None``. """ super().__init__() self.label = label self.mean = mean self.vibration = vibration self.condition = condition self.skip = skip = host self.impurity = impurity self.x_1 = x_1 # ########## # private vars # ########## self._en_min = defaultdict(float) self._r_0 = r_0 self._ens = None self._lattice_func = None self._int_func = None self._clusters = None self._normalizer = None self._temp = None if normalizer is not None: self.set_normalizer(normalizer) if temperature is not None: self._temp = self.set_temperature(temperature) if clusters is not None: self.set_clusters(**clusters) if energies is not None: self.set_energies(energies)
[docs] def set_energies(self, energies): if isinstance(energies, pd.DataFrame): self._ens = energies # calculate debye function host = energies[] impurity = energies[self.impurity] xs = UnitConvert.lc2ad(energies.index.values) # get minimum from a polynomial poly_min = minimize_scalar( UnivariateSpline(xs, host, k=4), bounds=(xs[0], xs[-1]), method='bounded') self._en_min[] = poly_min = minimize_scalar( UnivariateSpline(xs, impurity, k=4), bounds=(xs[0], xs[-1]), method='bounded') self._en_min[self.impurity] = for c in energies: if c in [, self.impurity]: continue comp = parse_formula(c) ys = energies[c] mass, num = mixed_atomic_weight(c, mean=self.mean) for k, v in comp.items(): ys -= self._en_min[k] * v self[c] = ClusterVibration( label=c, xs=xs, ys=host * num + ys, mass=mass, num=num, ) setattr(self, c, self[c]) if self._normalizer is not None and c in self._normalizer: ys += self._normalizer[c] c = f'{c}_' self[c] = ClusterVibration( label=c, xs=xs, ys=host * num + ys, mass=mass, num=num, ) setattr(self, c, self[c]) else: raise TypeError( 'energies must be <pd.DataFrame> but got %s' % energies.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def set_temperature(self, temp): if isinstance(temp, dict): if 'log_scale' not in temp or not temp['log_scale']: return np.linspace(temp['start'], temp['stop'], temp['steps']) return logspace(temp['start'], temp['stop'], temp['steps']) if isinstance(temp, (list, np.ndarray)): return deepcopy(temp) if isinstance(temp, (float, int)): return [temp] raise NameError('temperature was configured in error format')
@property def energies(self): return self._ens @property def clusters(self): return deepcopy(self._clusters)
[docs] def set_clusters(self, **val): self._clusters = deepcopy(val)
@property def normalizer(self): return self._normalizer @property def temperatures(self): return self._temp
[docs] def set_normalizer(self, val): if isinstance(val, Normalizer): pass elif isinstance(val, dict): val = Normalizer(**val) else: raise TypeError('normalizer must be a dict or has type of <Normalizer> but got %s' % val.__class__.__name__) self._normalizer = val if self._ens is not None: host = self._ens[] xs = UnitConvert.lc2ad(self._ens.index.values) for c, v in self._normalizer.items(): if c in self._ens: ys = self._ens[c] + v comp = parse_formula(c) mass, num = mixed_atomic_weight(c, mean=self.mean) for k_, v_ in comp.items(): ys -= self._en_min[k_] * v_ c = f'{c}_' self[c] = ClusterVibration( label=c, xs=xs, ys=ys + host * num, mass=mass, num=num, ) setattr(self, c, self[c])
[docs] def __call__(self, *, T: float = None, r: [float, dict, str, None] = None, vibration: bool = None, energy_patch: Callable[[float, float], namedtuple] = None, **kwargs): """Get interaction energies at given T, and r. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature. r : float, dict, str, or None, optional Atomic distance. By default ``None``. vibration: bool Specific whether or not to import the thermal vibration effect. energy_patch: Callable[[float, float], namedtuple], optional A patch that will be used to correct the returns of interaction energy. By default ``None``. Returns ------- namedtuple: namedtuple Named tuple contains calculated interaction energies. """ del kwargs def _int(cluster, r_): ret_ = 0 for k, v in cluster.items(): if vibration: ret_ += self[k](T=T, r=r_) * v else: ret_ += self[k](r=r_) * v return ret_ if vibration is None: vibration = self.vibration if r is None: r = self._r_0 if T is None: vibration = False ret = {} for k, v in self._clusters.items(): try: ret[k] = _int(v, r) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f'configuration of `{k}` in parameter <series.clusters> ' f'reference an unknown phase {e}') if energy_patch is not None: patch = energy_patch(T, r) for k, v in patch.items(): if k in ret: ret[k] += v return namedtuple('interaction_energy', self._clusters.keys())(**ret)
[docs] def ite(self, *, temperature: list = None, k: int = 3, vibration: bool = None, r_0: [float, dict, str, None] = None, **kwargs): """Iterate over each temperature Parameters ---------- temperature : list, optional Reset temperature steps, by default None k: int Degree of the smoothing spline. Must be <= 5. Default is k=3, a cubic spline. vibration: bool Specific whether or not to import the thermal vibration effect. Yields ------- T: float Temperature at current step. r_func: Callable[[float], float] A function receiving impurity concentration c and returns corresponding atomic distance r. """ del kwargs def r_0_func(t): x_mins = [] c_mins = [] for k_, v in r_0.items(): if vibration: _, x_min = self[k_](T=t, min_x='ws') else: _, x_min = self[k_](min_x='ws') x_mins.append(x_min) c_mins.append(v) tmp = np.array([c_mins, x_mins]) index = np.argsort(tmp[0]) return UnivariateSpline(tmp[0, index], tmp[1, index], k=k) if vibration is None: vibration = self.vibration if r_0 is None: r_0 = self._r_0 if temperature is not None: temperature = self.set_temperature(temperature) else: temperature = self._temp for t in temperature: if isinstance(r_0, dict): yield t, r_0_func(t) elif isinstance(r_0, str) and r_0 == 'local': yield t, lambda _: r_0 elif isinstance(r_0, (float, int)): yield t, lambda _: UnitConvert.lc2ad(r_0) else: raise RuntimeError('r_0 must be type of `dict`, `float` or str `local`')
def __repr__(self): s1 = ' | \n |-' s2 = ' | ' header = [f'{self.label}--<skip: {self.skip}>:'] return f'\n{s1}'.join(header + [f'\n{s2}'.join(str(self.normalizer).split('\n'))] + [f'\n{s2}'.join(str(v).split('\n')) for v in self.values()])