Source code for cvm.vibration

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, minimize_scalar

from .utils import UnitConvert as uc

__all__ = ['ClusterVibration']

[docs]class ClusterVibration(object): """ Tools class for cluster vibration """ def __init__(self, *, label: str, xs: list, ys: list, mass: float, num: int, morse_paras_bounds: list = None): """Calculate phase energy using debye-sg model Parameters ---------- label : str Label in chemical composition format. xs : list List of atomic distance. ys : list List of phase energies. mass : float Mixed mass. num : int Number of atoms. morse_paras_bounds : list, optional parameter bounds for fitting, by default ``None``. See also, Raises ------ ValueError `xs` and `ys` must have same shape. """ if not len(xs) == len(ys): raise ValueError('xs and ys must have same dim.') self.label = label self.mass, self.num = mass, num self._xs = self._check_input(xs) self._ys = self._check_input(ys) / num # parameter bounds for fitting # order: c1, c2, lmd, r0 # bounds: ([low, low, low, low], [high, high, high, high]) # doc: if morse_paras_bounds is not None: self._morse_paras_bounds = morse_paras_bounds else: self._morse_paras_bounds = ([0, 0, 0, xs[0]], [10, 10, 2, xs[-1]]) # fit parameters self._paras = self._fit_paras() # calculate equilibrium constant poly_min = minimize_scalar( self.morse_potential, bounds=(self._xs[0], self._xs[-1]), method='bounded') self._lattic_cons = poly_min.x self._ground_en = @staticmethod def _check_input(array): if isinstance(array, list): return np.array(array, dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(array, pd.Series): return array.values if isinstance(array, np.ndarray): return array raise TypeError('input must be a array with shape (n,)') @property def c1(self) -> float: """Morse potential parameter `C1`. Returns ------- float """ return self._paras['c1'] @property def c2(self) -> float: """Morse potential parameter `C2`. Returns ------- float """ return self._paras['c2'] @property def lmd(self) -> float: """Morse potential parameter `lambda`. Returns ------- float """ return self._paras['lmd'] @property def r_0(self) -> float: """Atomic distance at equilibrium status. Returns ------- float """ return self._paras['r_0'] @property def equilibrium_lattice_cons(self) -> float: """Equilibrium lattice constant. Returns ------- float """ return uc.ad2lc(self._lattic_cons) @property def x_0(self) -> float: return self._paras['x_0'] @property def gamma_0(self) -> float: return self._paras['gamma_0'] @property def bulk_modulus(self) -> float: """Estimated bulk modulus. Returns ------- float """ return self._paras['B_0']
[docs] def morse_potential(self, r: float) -> float: """Morse potential Parameters ---------- r : float Atomic distance Returns ------- float Potential energy. """ return self.c1 - 2 * self.c2 * np.exp(-self.lmd * (r - self.r_0)) + \ self.c2 * np.exp(-2 * self.lmd * (r - self.r_0))
[docs] def debye_temperature(self, r: [float, str] = 'local') -> float: """Debye temperature function. Parameters ---------- r : float, str, optional Atomic distance, by default None Returns ------- float """ D_0 = np.float64(41.63516) * np.power(self.r_0 * self.bulk_modulus / self.mass, 1 / 2) if r == 'local': return D_0 return D_0 * np.power(self.r_0 / r, 3 * self.lmd * r / 2)
# debye function # default n=3
[docs] def debye_function(self, T: float, r: float = None, *, n: int = 3) -> float: """Debye function. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature. r : float, optional Atomic distance, by default None n : int, optional Dimssion, by default 3 Returns ------- float """ x = self.debye_temperature(r) / T ret, _ = quad(lambda t: t**n / (np.exp(t) - 1), 0, x) return (n / x**n) * ret
[docs] def __call__( self, *, T: float = None, r: [float, str] = 'local', min_x: str = None, ): """Get free energy. Parameters ---------- T : float, optional Temperature. If ``None``, will set parameter ``vibration`` to ``False`` automatically. r : float or str, optional Atomic distance, If ``local``, will ues the default setting which be set when instancing. by default ``None``. min_x: str, optional By default ``None``. If ``None``, will ues the default setting which be set when instancing. If not ``None``, function will returns equilibrium lattice constant as second result. The string can be ``ws`` or ``lattice``. """ bzc = 8.6173303e-5 if isinstance(T, (float, int)) and T < 0: raise RuntimeError('T must a positive number') if isinstance(r, (float, int)) and T < 0: raise RuntimeError('r must a positive number or str `local`') if isinstance(r, (str)) and r != 'local': raise RuntimeError('r must a positive number or str `local`') if T is None and r != 'local': return (self.morse_potential(r)) * self.num # no vibration effects if T is None and r == 'local': if min_x: if min_x == 'ws': return self._ground_en * self.num, self._lattic_cons if min_x == 'lattice': return self._ground_en * self.num, uc.ad2lc(self._lattic_cons) raise ValueError("min_x can only be 'ws' or 'lattice' but got %s" % min_x) return self._ground_en * self.num if T is not None and r != 'local': return (self.morse_potential(r) + \ (9 / 8) * bzc * self.debye_temperature(r) - \ bzc * T * (self.debye_function(T, r) - \ 3 * np.log(1 - np.exp(-(self.debye_temperature(r) / T))))) * self.num # take count into vibration effects if T is not None and r == 'local': poly_min = minimize_scalar( lambda _r: self(T=T, r=_r), bounds=(self._xs[0], self._xs[-1]), method='bounded') if min_x: if min_x == 'ws': return * self.num, poly_min.x if min_x == 'lattice': return * self.num, uc.ad2lc(poly_min.x) raise ValueError("min_x can only be 'ws' or 'lattice' but got %s" % min_x) return
def _fit_paras(self): # morse potential def morse_pot(r, c1, c2, lmd, r0): return c1 - 2 * c2 * np.exp(-lmd * (r - r0))\ + c2 * np.exp(-2 * lmd * (r - r0)) # morse parameters popt, _ = curve_fit(morse_pot, self._xs, self._ys, bounds=self._morse_paras_bounds) c1, c2, lmd, r0 = popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3] x0 = np.exp(-lmd * r0) B0 = uc.eV2Kbar(-(c2 * (lmd**3)) / (6 * np.pi * np.log(x0))) gamma_0 = lmd * r0 / 2 # parameters will be used to construt # free energy with thermal vibration effect return dict( c1=c1, c2=c2, lmd=lmd, r_0=r0, x_0=x0, gamma_0=gamma_0, B_0=B0, ) def __repr__(self): s1 = ' |-' header = [f'{self.label}:'] return f'\n{s1}'.join(header + [ 'c1: {:f}, c2: {:f}, lambda: {:f}'.format(self.c1, self.c2, self.lmd), \ 'r0: {:f}, x0: {:f}'.format(self.r_0, self.x_0), \ 'Gruneisen constant: {:f}'.format(self.gamma_0), \ 'Equilibrium lattice constant: {:f} a.u.'.format(self.equilibrium_lattice_cons), \ 'Bulk Modulus: {:f} Kbar'.format(self.bulk_modulus), \ 'Debye temperature: {:f} K'.format(self.debye_temperature()) ])